Sportainment, is when sports and entertainment colide. A concept that is not popular in Brazil, but that needs to be part of the strategy of any sports entity that wants to operate in the market going forward. sports and entertainment closer, understanding the way new generations consume content, will be fundamental to attract the public’s attention. From now on, football, volleyball and basketball competitors are streaming platforms and video games, for example.
The report ‘Google Sports Study — Brazilians and sport’, has an exclusive section to talk about sportainment. One of the pillars for this new trend is the consumption of digital content. In this sense, open TV is still the main information channel for Brazilians. However, social networks, websites and streaming platforms are gaining space. According to the study, 80% of consumers say that online videos offer content they can’t find on TV.
Digital content production
YouTube has gained the most relevance in terms of sports content in the past year. The ease of watching the contents, even on a TV screen, contributed a lot to the growth of YouTube. According to the report, 40 million people watch YouTube on their TV screens in Brazil. More than 10,000 hours of sports-related content was produced in November last year. In order to explore different examples, another digital channel that gained space in the public’s routine was Instagram.
Where is the growth from these platforms coming from? Content diversity, that is capable of reaching different audiences and their different preferences, especially on Youtube, is a bit contributor for that growth. Best moments, sports humor and live game broadcasts were some of the formats highlighted in the report.
This diversity also made it possible for niche sports, with a really specific content, to find their space within the market. Table Tennis, CrossFit and Chess channels, which would have little or no space in traditional media vehicles, reach more than one million subscribers, for example.
What is the content for?
According to the survey, Brazilian’s watch YouTube content to relax and unwind, for entertainment and to take some “time for themselves”. The previous reasons, in addition to content diversity, highlight yet another characteristic of sportainment: “consuming the sport” 24/7. Way beyond the match duration.
Another trend that the sports industry is experiencing is the change in the way fans position themselves in the market. Previously, fans were only information receivers for their favorite sport. However, nowadays, they play an active role, producing content related to football, basketball, cycling, motor racing and other sports.
The Role of Fans
Social media plays an important role in this change, giving fans a voice. Both Instagram and YouTube help to establish a real connection with ‘those who watch’, favoring formats such as “reacts”. According to the Google report, 59% of the YouTube audience believes that the platform is made by people like them, still bringing a sense of inspiration to those who consume this content.
This rapprochement between creators and fans also allows for true interaction between the two parties, with direct public participation in the content produced. This makes the viewer feel like they are part of a community. Their participation in micro decisions inserts them in that environment, which helps the engagement level stay always high.
Understanding what fans need and delivering experiences that remain in their memory is the main goal of sportaiment. The insights in the Google report indicate that the path is on digital platforms, enabling greater closeness to fans.
It is up to the sports market ‘players’ to take advantage of this growing market to engage more and more with their fans. With daily content as a starting point, many opportunities arise, both for the producers themselves, as well as for startups and entrepreneurs who want to enter the market.